The story of McLoud is a classic story of an indie band celebrating the win of their first Grammy: started at the bottom (literally - years of playing at basements), we were climbing out into the daylight. Slowly, but consistently. And then - the big BANG. A helping hand from an influential music industry insider, a brand new kick-ass album, the first world tour, the first Grammy nomination, first Netflix documentary sharing the story of the band.
Bands you may know walking this walk: Metallica, Gojira, McLoud.
We are still at the beginning, but asking for your help to get us to the next stage. After playing in the bars of our local Lithuania, we got noticed by Joe Duplantier, the leader of Gojira, titled one of the leading metal bands of today. He liked us. He wants to help us out, open the doors of global music scene and help us record our best album ever. Gojira’s last album Magma was nominated for a Grammy, so…
can you imagine????
Us, five guys from Vilnius, one of the smallest European capitals.
Get the chance to work with the BEST people in the music industry, in the centre of where it all happens - NYC. This April. It’s THE American dream.
We mentioned Metallica at first for a reason - this is how Gojira got their start. After years of playing in basements, Metallica took them on a world tour and it catapulted afterwards. Now it’s our turn. However, in order to go on a tour you need to have truly good records. We are recording ours in April. It’s happening for sure. However, it is a really expensive opportunity for us, so it’s either support campaign or selling our spare kidneys.
Please use your credit card for a good cause and we will be grateful forever.
Where does the money go?
We are going to New York to record our upcoming album in a professional studio, working with Joe Duplantier and the team of experienced sound engineers (the same team who worked on Magma, Gojira’s Grammy-nominated album).
We need 6000$ and this money will go for paying sound engineers.
Personally, we are fully covering the costs of the trip (tickets, accommodation, food & other vital stuff).
Joe Duplantier is sharing all of his instruments, studio with us and dedicating a two weeks of his time to train and mentor us + he is helping us promote our upcoming album afterwards.
If we exceed our support campaign goal, the extra money will be used to promote our new music.
This is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so please, help us. If not by using your credit card, then please help us by spreading the word. Make it happen.